Introduction to Operation OASIS

The massive waste water problem that currently pollutes our bathing waters costing £billions to process throughout the world can be used to irrigate and reforest desert coastlines to induce rainfall.

Our aim is to use the return ballast capacity of super crude carriers which currently transport sea water half way around the world at great financial and environmental cost. This ballast is discharged into the sea, often introducing invasive marine species which affects the stability of indigenous species of flora and fauna.

The E.U. is legislating against this practice and tanker operators will be forced to seek an alternative.

Operation OASIS offers an exciting opportunity for ballast water. Transporting treated waste water to irrigate and reforest arid coastlines to induce rainfall has to be the way forward.

One tanker loaded with 300000 cubic meters of treated waste water would support 57 hectares of forest for a whole year.

Reclaiming deserts to enable people to feed themselves and grow great forests will offset the carbon emissions from shipping.

With global food shortages upon us we are already feeling the strain on our pockets in the developed world and renewable resources are in rapid decline. Drought is affecting all major food producing countries and wells are running dry. Water scarcity poses major problems for us and our children. We need to act fast in order to avert a major global catastrophe.

When the mighty river Amazon dries up and it's fish stocks die it is time to take stock on how we manage our fragile environment. For more detailed information visit our website and forum at:

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

UK SOIL DEGRADATION Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology July 2006 Number 265

Figure 1 – UK Areas potentially at risk of soil erosion 3
Soil degradation involves both the physical loss (erosion) and the reduction in quality of topsoil associated with nutrient decline and contamination. It affects soil quality for agriculture and has implications for the urban environment, pollution and flooding.
Currently, 2.2 million tonnes of topsoil is eroded annually in the UK and over 17% of arable land shows signs of erosion1. This POSTnote examines the nature and extent of soil degradation in the UK and the
challenges and opportunities for soils in a changing climate.

Eroded soil can be deposited on roads and other infrastructure leading to significant clean-up costs. It can also silt up reservoirs and harbours, reducing the lifetime and adding to the maintenance costs of these structures and put pressure on aquatic life. The costs of damage to agricultural soil in England and Wales have been estimated as £264 million a year and the costs of treating water contaminated with agricultural pollutants as £203 million a year7. As illustrated in Box 2, changes in local land management practices can greatly influence soil erosion by water.

Soil organic matter Organic matter is vital for the physical, chemical and biological functioning of soils. Around 18% of the organic matter present in arable topsoils in 1980 had been lost by 1995. One of the reasons for this was that grasslands were ploughed for arable use. Some experts consider that the amount of organic matter in some soils may now be reaching such low levels that crop production may not be sustainable in the long term. As organic matter declines, so does the soil structure, so that the soil becomes more susceptible to physical erosion. Steps being taken to address loss of organic matter from soils include recycling farm manures, sewage sludge, and composted green wastes in soils. However, injudicious application of these organic materials may lead to diffuse water (nitrate and phosphate) pollution, and air pollution (odour and ammonia). The challenges in future are to maintain and where possible enhance soil organic matter while minimising the polluting effects of applying organic materials.

It has been estimated that 44% of arable land in the UK is at risk of water erosion4. Around 20% of upland peat, shallow, and rocky soils (shown as ‘upland’ on Figure 1) are currently eroding5. An equivalent area of lowland peat is affected by commercial extraction, with impacts for the amount of carbon stored in it (see Box 1). Soil erosion by water in the UK results in loss of productive soil and nutrients in the immediate vicinity (‘on-site’). Further away (‘off-site’), eroded soil can block water courses and drains, affect fisheries, and increase the risk of flooding.