Introduction to Operation OASIS

The massive waste water problem that currently pollutes our bathing waters costing £billions to process throughout the world can be used to irrigate and reforest desert coastlines to induce rainfall.

Our aim is to use the return ballast capacity of super crude carriers which currently transport sea water half way around the world at great financial and environmental cost. This ballast is discharged into the sea, often introducing invasive marine species which affects the stability of indigenous species of flora and fauna.

The E.U. is legislating against this practice and tanker operators will be forced to seek an alternative.

Operation OASIS offers an exciting opportunity for ballast water. Transporting treated waste water to irrigate and reforest arid coastlines to induce rainfall has to be the way forward.

One tanker loaded with 300000 cubic meters of treated waste water would support 57 hectares of forest for a whole year.

Reclaiming deserts to enable people to feed themselves and grow great forests will offset the carbon emissions from shipping.

With global food shortages upon us we are already feeling the strain on our pockets in the developed world and renewable resources are in rapid decline. Drought is affecting all major food producing countries and wells are running dry. Water scarcity poses major problems for us and our children. We need to act fast in order to avert a major global catastrophe.

When the mighty river Amazon dries up and it's fish stocks die it is time to take stock on how we manage our fragile environment. For more detailed information visit our website and forum at:

Sunday, 9 September 2007

Where there's muck there's money to be had for SWW users

Herald Express 13/1/95
Where there's muck there's money to be had for SWW users
A plan to make the deserts bloom could save South West Water users up to £200 each and every year.
That's the claim of a South Devon man who has spent years researching ways to cure the world of two major problems.
Andrew Fletcher of Paignton has identified a way of curing the relentless spread of deserts by using the increasingly burdensome sewage problem of the industrialised countries of the world.
And in doing so he claims to have found a cheaper way of processing sewage and so cutting pounds from water bills.
The scheme known as Oasis irrigation and firs revealed to the Herald Express last year-plans to transport sewage an waste water form Europe to desert areas by utilising oil takers which currently return without paying loads.
Figures show that London, for instance, already dumps 3.75 million tonnes of sewage in the North Sea every year-but oil tankers deliver 4 million tonnes of crude oil to the capital in the same period.
"Present disposal methods are expensive, unnecessary and damage the environment," said Mr Fletcher.
"My plan would transport sewage,
Paignton man claims paying cure for deserts
presently polluting our coastline to parts of the world needing irrigation."
The project has interested governments in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and Morocco. But it's the South West of England where the plan could reap dividends, he says.
Besides the immense savings in water charges, Mr Fletcher claims that his scheme would make South West Water's Clean Sweep Programme redundant over night.
According to his associate, former South West Water engineer Adrian Van Zweden, the EC directive which made Clean Sweep "a Godsend".
"The privatised water industry wants a good return on its investment," he said.
"Because it's profit percentages are controlled by OFWAT the only way to increase it's profit is to increase turnover. The best way to increase turn over is to spend more. With a monopoly this automatically means increased bills. There is no incentive to cut costs."
Oasis is already talking to one other water company from the South East of England which dumps its sewage in the North Sea-a practice which becomes illegal under European Law in 1997.
The company's estimate of disposal costs is £2 per cubic metre. Mr Fletcher estimates that his proposals would cost 42 pence per cubic metre.
And the big bonus is that the deserts can be reclaimed. Currently they are expanding at the rate of 6 million hectares every year---half the size of England.

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