OASIS PROJECT:scientists to discuss during Climate Week
FREdome’s global climate recovery project, OASIS Solution has selected Climate Week to call a meeting of its scientific and technical advisory board in London.
A group of individuals from the board have agreed to meet at University College London, Energy Institute on the morning of 24 March to conduct a project risk analysis to determine the feasibility of the proposal.
The OASIS solution, promoted by the FREdome Visionary Trust, is a renewable way to reduce carbon emissions. It offers radical alternative to lowered economic activity or carbon sequestration (burial).
Instead, the solution would reduce atmospheric carbon dioxide through a natural process – Carbon Cycling – whereby CO2 is absorbed by trees and vegetation. The solution aims to kick-start this process of on a grand scale by reversing deforestation in desert areas of Africa.
The project founder is engineer and lateral thinker, Andrew Fletcher. He says
Andrew K Fletcher – Engineer, Originator of The Overseas Arid Soil Irrigation Solution ( Oasis) Solution.
Following a presentation of Andrew’s idea to a meeting in Parliament in November, a number of eminent scientists and technologists have come forward to offer their services in exploring the radical solution which would use human waste for fertilisation and irrigation of arid soils, and the cultivation of coastal tree belts to induce rainfall.
The massive project would involve water companies and the shipping industry working with climatologists and environmental scientists to stage trials.
Already, the proposal has attracted interest from the EU “Cradle To Cradle” waste-free manufacturing network. Parties as diverse as Hertfordshire County Council and the international Rotary Club are already putting efforts in researching partners in Europe. Arab countries have also shown an interest, inviting OASIS to present a paper at the second Arab Water Forum in Cairo in November 2011.
FREDome founder and chairman, Greg Peachey says,
We are grateful for the scientists and professional who are willing to give up their time to explore this solution. They recognise that time is running out for us to find an answer to the combined issues of deforestation, climate change and food shortage that pose a threat to the entire global economy. With a positive outcome we aim to proceed to a co-financing application to the EU 267 million LIFE + fund. This could be the UK’s greatest opportunity to lead a new green industry with the potential to create thousands of jobs and redistribute global affluence.Attendees
John Aitken, JJ Aitken Consulting Ltd
Dr Colm Bowe, Liverpool John Moores University – Natural Science and Psychology
Robin Buller, Renewable Energy Analyst
Peter Darley, Consulting Engineer/Economist in water resources, irrigation, ports and transport
Craig Embleton, Desert Restoration Ecologist, The Green Frontier
Dr Richard Lawson MD, GreenHealth – Founder & Director (Desert Rose Project)
Dr Tristan Smith, UCL Energy Institute – Low Carbon Shipping
Andrew K Fletcher, Project Director, OASIS Solution
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