Introduction to Operation OASIS

The massive waste water problem that currently pollutes our bathing waters costing £billions to process throughout the world can be used to irrigate and reforest desert coastlines to induce rainfall.

Our aim is to use the return ballast capacity of super crude carriers which currently transport sea water half way around the world at great financial and environmental cost. This ballast is discharged into the sea, often introducing invasive marine species which affects the stability of indigenous species of flora and fauna.

The E.U. is legislating against this practice and tanker operators will be forced to seek an alternative.

Operation OASIS offers an exciting opportunity for ballast water. Transporting treated waste water to irrigate and reforest arid coastlines to induce rainfall has to be the way forward.

One tanker loaded with 300000 cubic meters of treated waste water would support 57 hectares of forest for a whole year.

Reclaiming deserts to enable people to feed themselves and grow great forests will offset the carbon emissions from shipping.

With global food shortages upon us we are already feeling the strain on our pockets in the developed world and renewable resources are in rapid decline. Drought is affecting all major food producing countries and wells are running dry. Water scarcity poses major problems for us and our children. We need to act fast in order to avert a major global catastrophe.

When the mighty river Amazon dries up and it's fish stocks die it is time to take stock on how we manage our fragile environment. For more detailed information visit our website and forum at:

Friday, 8 April 2011



Hosted by Friends of the Earth
Chaired by Sheila Doyle, Co-ordinator, Friends of Earth  Hemel Hempstead and District
Date:  18 April 2011
Place:  Hemel Hempstead, Herts
Location: The Quaker Meeting House, 1 The Alleys, St.Mary’s Road, Hemel Hempstead HP2 5ZB
Time:  8pm
Cost:  FREE
Greg Peachey
Greg Peachey
Speaker: Greg Peachey, Project Director,  Operation OASIS and founder of the FREdome Visionary Trust
Planting trees in the desert to absorb carbon emissions is a radical idea – but could it become a reality?
That is the question for debate with charismatic community organiser Greg Peachey, founder of the St Albans-based FREdome Visionary Trust.
Greg will be in Hemel Hempstead next week to give a presentation on the Trust’s latest project: Operation OASIS. The project aims to reverse the build-up of atmospheric carbon dioxide by establishing forests in areas of the world that have become desert.
“Increasingly, areas of the world are becoming more arid. Action is needed urgently to prevent species loss, and reduce conflict over scarce resources like food, fuel and water,” says Greg, 52, who has given up a successful career in management consultancy to pursue his personal convictions.
The principles of Operation OASIS were debated at an open meeting of an All Party Parliamentary Group last November. Since then the idea has attracted support from cutting-edge environmental scientists around the UK and representatives of the UK shipping industry.
“Recently, Herts County Council came on board to help us bid for research funding from the EU LIFE  +  Environment programme. The idea has support from scientists in Germany and America.  With the support of networking organisations like the Executive Forum and Rotary Club we have recruited a team of highly-qualified and motivated volunteers from around St Albans and Hemel Hempstead to drive the bid. The UK Trade & Investment Environment & Water team are keen to help. This could be a tremendous opportunity for Hertfordshire to shine.”
Paul Harris, the Green Party candidate for Gadebridge local borough council elections and sitting parish councillor for Great Gaddesden, is an enthusiastic supporter of the project: he says,
 “Trees are a win – win for everyone! They are the foundation of all life. They absorb CO2, they give back oxygen, they regulate temperature and rainfall,  they bind soil together and prevent flooding. Sustainable forestry enables more food to be produced, increases bio-diversity, provides work and generates fuel.“
Anyone with an interest in environmental issues is welcome to come to the meeting to find out more about Operation OASIS, which includes radical proposals for job creation in the Hertfordshire area.         
 For more local press information contact Suzanne Watts Communications Officer for the FREdome Visionary Trust,  Operation OASIS Project             01442 398466      , email
Note to Editors
The FREdome Visionary Trust is a not-for profit voluntary organisation.
Projects include:
  • Watford Celebration – an annual cultural diversity event attracting more than 2500 people annually
  • Show the World and WECare – a talent-promotion and fund-raising project run by FREdome Youth Encouraging Adults (YEA) social network of under 18’s
  • FREdome – a community ideas database sponsored by St Michaels Catholic High School,Watford  
  • Carbon Cycling – the missing link in the Carbon Debate – an all-age debate at the Houses of Commons in November 2010 – winner of a Global Entrepreneurship Week High Impact Event Award 
  • One Minute to Save the World – audience vote winner of the global film competition with “Stop Global WAR-ming”, shown in Copenhagen 2009, and UK Houses of Parliament.   
Providers of support to the FREdome Visionary Trust Operation OASIS project include:
  • Climate Week
  • Cradle to Cradle Network Europe
  • East of England European Partnership
  • Friends of the Earth Hemel Hempstead
  • Global Entrepreneurship Week
  • Green Frontier
  • Hertfordshire County Council Funding Support Office
More information:

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