We are currently flushing our planet down the toilet.
We simply cannot afford to continue wasting water when there is a sound economically viable option to use that water that all of us flush down the plug hole and toilet to irrigate and reforest massive areas of desert and transform the soil into moist fertile crop producing land to feed an ever increasing population. Failure is an option we simply cannot afford. The first pilot project is on target for the arid coastline of Andalucia in Spain. Once completed we intend to roll out the project to the shores of the Sahara and Middle Eastern Deserts. We need your vote to kickstart a simple project that has the potential to reverse global climate change.
Something is seriously wrong when oil rich nations buy the last remnants of fertile land from the starving millions in Ethiopia! Surely it makes far more sense to convert their own deserts into rich moist life bringing soils using excess treated waste water from Europe, removing pollution, providing shipping with a paid return cargo (instead of transporting sea water as ballast at great coast to the companies and the environment).
Initiative description
Operation OASIS is about peaceful international teamwork: To bring rain back to deserts, so the world can grow enough trees and crops to stabilise the climate and provide desperately needed food, fuel, safe materials and employment.
Our waste recycling initiative will convert raw sewage into fertiliser and waste water to safely irrigate the desert and grow trees.
Did you know that when trees are grown near the coastline next to a desert they change the local climate? This can stimulate rainfall inland, then nature takes over and the forest spreads by itself.
We are applying for funding to demonstrate how simple and effective this can be.
The idea behind Operation OASIS was researched and developed by inventor and former sewerage engineer Andrew K Fletcher. His ultimate vision for the project is to re green the deserts of Africa, providing work, food and an alternative to living in conflict and urban slums.
The Operation OASIS bid is supported by volunteers of the FREdome Visionary Trust in Hertfordshire. Our group aims to involve individuals and communities to make a better world for our children to inherit.
So far we have been successful in getting British professionals, environmentalists, academics, shipping and the waste water industries to talk. We have potential collaborators who are motivated to help us recycle sewage as a useful desert fertiliser, but our project needs resources.
If you want cleaner coastlines, and more forest - please vote for us!
How will the £5k be spent?
£2000 to cover representation at the Arab Water Forum in November 2011.£2000 for project management expenses. £1000 to pay for translation services to help disseminate proposals to overseas partners
Who will benefit?
The environment and communities
-by reclaiming arid land to feed the starving millions
-by recycling huge amounts of raw sewage
-by establishing agro-forestry abroad
-by launching a growth venture that could attract investment and create new jobs in UK
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